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Visiting Professor

Education Policy / TVET

Mr. Sung Joon PAIK is a visiting professor at the Korea Development Institute School of Public Policy and Management (KDI School). Until 2021, he worked at the KDI School for 10 years as a professor. Before joining the KDI School, he worked at two government-funded research institutes – Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI, 1991-1999) and Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training(KRIVET, 1999-2011), where he conducted policy-oriented research projects on educational administration, finance and TVET. He also worked at the World Bank as a senior education specialist (a secondee from the KRIVET) between 2007 and 2009. With respect to TVET, for the last 10 years, he participated in several international consultancy projects including the Korean Government’s Knowledge Sharing Projects(KSP) on TVET for National Economic Development (Guatemala, Senegal, Rwanda, and Ethiopia), UNDP project on HRD(Ethiopia), World Bank projects on the Review of the Philippine Qualification Framework and the Digital Skills Development of Korea, KOICA’s evaluation studies on the ODA projects on TVET for Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Iraq, and KDI School’s consultancy project for the Kurdistan Regional Government. Prof. Paik received a doctorate from the Harvard University (1990).