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Magical months in KDI School - Seangvathana Tann (Cambodia, MDP 2022)

  • Date 2023-01-18 18:02
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1477

I had mixed feelings while receiving a scholarship congratulatory email from KDI School back in July. I was, needless to say, thrilled, but I was partly worried about how exactly life here would be.

After a few magical months here, I realized that all my worries disappeared. Everything here is so convenient and modern. I am immensely amazed that KDI School has been providing me with such highly qualified professors with hands-on experience, excellent faculty members, fellow potential individuals from diverse cultures and backgrounds, interactive classroom environments, a fantastical library, a 24/7 reading space, insightful workshops and seminars, field trips, and many fun school events.

Living as though my life were a movie has been a bonus for me. Walking around the exquisite campus in chilly weather after class while wearing headphones is an effective placebo for my schoolwork-related stress; the autumnal sunsets, the perfectly textured mountains, the tiny waterfalls, and the heavenly trees all are movie scenes. Everywhere in this school and this city is photogenic.

My time spent here will be an unforgettable phase of my life. My special relationship with KDI School will undoubtedly last forever, and I will forever cherish this irreplaceable opportunity.

I give my massive thanks to KDI School for granting me this opportunity of a lifetime.

Kartika Paramaswari

2022 Spring / MPP / Indonesia

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