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KDIS student clubs, Spring 2015

  • Date 2015-05-01 09:01
  • CategoryNews
  • Hit1371

“Count me in Leadership”

The KDI School’s Student Clubs bring out student leaders who are ready to learn and lead others as they study. Here, visionary leaders of tomorrow start clubs depending on their passion and valuable experience. Students come up with new clubs each semester and receive financial support from the School through the Students Affairs Division. All clubs are listed on the notice board which maintains a directory of club activities in the KDI School. Apart from student life in the KDI School, the School has given them the opportunity for extra activities in form of clubs.

The clubs’ schedules and activities are managed by the student leaders.  At the new Sejong Campus, students have 18 new interesting and passionate clubs which are available for participation.

Students choose to join different clubs for any of the following reasons: to gain confidence in taking up leadership roles, to develop communication skills in public speaking and diplomatic skills, to develop negotiation skills, to acquire problem solving skills or new talent, to share knowledge and fun, or for cultural exchange.




By Leah Waweru (2014 MDP, Kenya)

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