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KDI School Gears up for its 25th Anniversary

  • Date 2022-07-04 15:41
  • CategoryNews
  • Hit1544

KDI School will be celebrating its silver anniversary of empowering the next generation of public policy and development practitioners across the world under the theme “Beyond Education, Leading Innovation”. Core tenets built within the education of KDI School, leveraging on the world class knowledge and expertise of Asia’s think tank, Korea Development Institute (KDI), and diverse faculty have made it a leading institution. At this 25-year mark, this is a success worth celebrating. 

Since 1997, the school has managed to grow from not just offering 4 masters programs, but now has expanded to PHD programs, grown a thriving alumni association network, expanded its offering programs, and gained NASPAA accreditation. With over 80 countries represented and the diverse student body composed of international and Korean students, KDI School has, over its’ 25 years, positioned itself as an institution of choice. The pandemic presented challenges regarding learning, and yet KDI School has managed to offer uninterrupted learning and continues to innovate in the face of many challenges. This dynamic education environment reflects the relevance of this celebration’s theme.


In preparation for the celebration, the school has several exciting activities planned. These include the 25th anniversary conference themed ‘Policy Education Hub and Education Innovation’ and another conference focused on ‘Impact Evaluation’ - a key aspect in public policy and development work,  the ‘Frontiers in Development Policy Conference’ and the ‘G20 Frontier Conference’. There will also be a special lecture by ambassadors in Korea and the K- Developedia 10th anniversary celebration. Less formal activities will also include a hiking event and new slogan contest giving variety to the scope of planned events lined up. On our campus, the celebratory mood has already begun to show with elevators adorned with the celebratory milestone.

The celebrations will also include an alumni homecoming event and many more activities in store. There is something for faculty, staff, and the entire student body to participate in and enjoy. We hope the infectious mood of celebration and importance of this milestone can be enjoyed and appreciated by all. 

Look out for more stories regarding the events and celebration activities throughout this year!

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