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KDIS Stands for PEACE - Winner's Interview with Anete Beinarovica (2022 MDP)

  • Date 2022-05-11 13:34
  • CategoryStory
  • Hit1136

Anete Beinarovica (2022, MDP) is one of the winners of the KDI School's Spring 2022 Peace Campaign. Her post was "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace,” which is a quote by Jimi Hendrix. Please enjoy our conversation below with this brilliant and hardworking young lady on the subject of peace.

Would you please introduce yourself to our readers?


My name is Anete Beinarovica, and I am thrilled to be the first KDI School student representing my home country, Latvia, which is one of the three Baltic Countries located in Northeastern Europe, by the Baltic Sea. I come from a family of medical doctors, so many people often ask me why I didn’t choose the same path. Even though neither I nor my elder sister decided to continue the family tradition of going into the medical field, we have definitely inherited a willingness to help people and society in general. Recently, my sister received her Ph.D. in Political Science, specializing in disaster management. This is my second master’s degree; my first was in Cultural and Intercultural studies. At KDI School, I am an MDP student with a concentration in sustainable development. I developed a strong interest in development studies while completing my first master’s, and I strongly believe that sound public policy formulation and implementation can result in real-life changes for a better world. That’s why I decided to apply to KDI School, and I am really happy I made this decision.

Please tell us more about peace and its significance in the 21st Century?


In my opinion, peace is essential and anything that tries to disrupt it is ultimately destructive. If we observe things from a development perspective, I strongly believe that no country can start its journey toward sustainable and broad-based development if it hasn’t achieved some degree of peace. However, despite how fundamental peace is to sustainable development, it is also very delicate, and under no circumstances should we take it for granted in the 21st Century. For example, the four Asian tigers - South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan - have achieved tremendous economic development in times of peace in the region.

Tell us more about peace in your country?


Peace is enormously important for the Latvian people, especially as the country experienced a painful 20th century, with numerous occupations, forced deportations, and other atrocities. I was actually born just one year after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the restoration of Latvia’s independence, and I cannot even express how grateful I am for being born in a free country; I think that’s something many people don’t realize or appreciate often enough. Therefore, the current war in Ukraine is especially painful for the Latvian people and the Baltic States in general. We are determined to continue supporting Ukraine, as they are currently fighting not only for themselves but for the entire world and for the concept of peace in general.

What motivated you to get a master’s degree at KDI School?


As I mentioned, I developed an interest in Development Studies during my first master’s, and it took me two years to make a decision on what the next step in my education should be. After thorough research and consultations, the KDI School of Public Policy and Management stood out to me for two reasons. Firstly, I am interested in the lessons from South Korea’s development experience through its transformation from a low-income to a high-income economy and how it became a global leader in innovation and technology. Secondly, the top-notch professors, quality curriculum, and diverse student composition were also a major part of my decision to join KDI School. I cannot emphasize enough how honored I am to be a part of this wonderful community.

Kutubo Jarju

2022 Spring / MPP / Gambia

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