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2024 KDIS Special Lecture #7~9 (July 15/18/30)

  • Name교육혁신팀
  • Date2024-06-27 13:21
  • Hit8,659
  • Event Date 2024-07-15 ~ 2024-07-30

2024 KDI SCHOOL SPECIAL LECTURE #7~9 / #7 JULY 15 14:30-16:00 S202 Towards a data-driven understanding of scientific debate(Dakota Murray (Professor) Network Science Institute at Northeastern Univeristy) RSVP BY JULY 11 구글 폼으로 이동(https://forms.gle/dKTW1FEP4iqe2zWU6)  / #8  JULY 18 13:00-14:00 S205 Fiscal Policies for Innovation and Technology Diffusion (Li Liu (Economist)International Monetary Fund (IMF) RSVP BY JULY 8 구글 폼으로 이동(https://forms.gle/GFWtbUtMtiYphfcF8) / #9  JULY 30 13:00-14:30 S306 Conceptualizing and Measuring Support for Democracy : A New - Approach (Christopher Claassen (Professor)Political Behaviour at University of Glasgow) RSVP BY JULY 23 구글 폼으로 이동(https://forms.gle/gvhUJqe6HrsT1Tmn6) / Learning Innovation Division / tld@kdis.ac.kr

<2024 KDIS Special Lecture #7~9> (July 15/18/30)

1. 2024 KDIS Special Lecture #7

- Date/Time: July 15(Mon), 14:30~16:00

- Venue: KDI SCHOOL S202 (2F)

- Speaker: Professor Dakota Murray (Network Science Institute at Northeastern Univeristy)

- Title: Towards a data-driven understanding of scientific debate

- RSVP: https://forms.gle/dKTW1FEP4iqe2zWU6

* To secure your place, please RSVP by July 8.

2. 2024 KDIS Special Lecture #8

- Date/Time: July 18 (Thu), 13:00~14:00

- Venue: KDI SCHOOL S205 (2F)

- Speaker: Li Liu (Li Liu (International Monetary Fund, IMF senior economist)

- Title: Fiscal Policies for Innovation and Technology Diffusion

- RSVP: https://forms.gle/GFWtbUtMtiYphfcF8

* To secure your place, please RSVP by July 11.

3. 2024 KDIS Special Lecture #9

- Date/Time: July 30 (Tue), 13:00~14:30

- Venue: KDI SCHOOL S306 (3F)

- Speaker: Christopher Claassen (Professor of Political Behaviour, University of Glasgow)

- Title: Conceptualizing and Measuring Support for Democracy: A New - Approach

- RSVP: https://forms.gle/gvhUJqe6HrsT1Tmn6

* To secure your place, please RSVP by July 23.

※ Questions : Learning Innovation Division (tld@kdis.ac.kr)