[RSVP] Invitation to a Networking Event with FUB Students
- CategoryKDIS Notice
- Name국제협력팀
- Date2023-08-11 00:00
- Hit1,512
Greetings from the International Cooperation Division!
We are pleased to announce that students from Free University of Berlin (FUB), Germany, one of our partners in the public diplomacy project, will be visiting the KDI School on August 24th (Thurs). We’d like to provide both the FUB and the KDIS students with an opportunity to engage in free conversation and build their networks.
Join us for this special occasion, and have a chance to share your experiences studying in Korea, and learn about our visitors who are studying about Korea in Europe.
This networking event will include lunch together and a special session in the afternoon, where the visiting students make a presentation on their findings from their field trip, followed by open discussion with all in attendance.
Event Date: Thursday, August 24
(12:00 - 13:00) Lunch
(13:00 - 14:30) Presentation of Korea Field Trip & Discussion
Venue: Lincoln Hall, KDI School
Visiting students: 11 students from FUB and other European universities
* RSVP Link will be available from August 14, 09:30 AM
* Please RSVP by August 17, 10:00 AM (Extended)
* With limited availability, seats will be given on a first-come, first-served basis, and you will receive an email from our division when your attendance is confirmed.
For a similar networking event with George Washington University in June, click HERE!
We look forward to your participation in this event. Thank you.
International Cooperation Division (Inquiry: kdis.pd@kdis.ac.kr)