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Job Seminar Review Results for Tenure-track Professor(2022)

  • Application period
  • NameChoe,Jonghee
  • Hit833
  • Category

It is my pleasure to announce the Job Seminar review results for Tenure-track Professor (2022), as listed below. 

Thank you.


2022년 전임교원채용 최종합격자를 다음과 같이 공고합니다.

합격자에게는 개별 연락 드릴 예정입니다. 감사합니다.


1. Environmental Policy: Yeong***** Kim

2. Social and Welfare Policy: Eun***** Ahn, Seo***** Lee

3. Political Economy of Development: Dong***** Lee

4. Development Economics: David ***** Park

5. Public Administration and Governance: ***** Michael Kang


(예비합격자) :Ga***** Ko