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Moving routes of #110-#113 Confirmed Patient in Sejong

  • CategoryCOVID-19
  • NameSong, Jihye
  • Date2020-12-04 00:00
  • Hit1,044

Dear KDIS Students,

We'd like to inform you information and moving routes of #103-#109 confirmed patients in Sejong - Si

PLEASE REPORT US using this link ( http://bit.ly/2xhjMBx)


- if your routes are overlapping with moving routes of confirmed patients

- if your residence is same as confirmed patient's one

Sejong-si 110#~#113    
Date & Time Place Type Place
Nov. 30 17:30~19:00 Billiard Room 신흥당구장 (조치원읍 이화로 6)
Shinheung Danggujang (Jochiwon-eub Iwha-ro 6)
Nov. 30 19:00~20:00 Restaurant 신흥수산 (조치원읍 이화로 8)
Shinheung Susan (Jochiwon-eub Iwha-ro 8)
Nov. 30 11:50~17:00
Dec. 01 07:00~12:00
Factory (주) 씨원케미칼 (연서면 연서로 47-35)
C1 Chemical (Yeonseo-myeon Yeonseo-ro 47-35)
Nov. 26 18:00~19:30 Pub 백스비어 세종나성점 (한누리대로 331, 1층 (나성동, SR파크센텀)
Baek's beer Sejong-nasung branch (Hannuri-daero 331, 1F (Nasung-dong, SR Park Centum)
Nov. 24 20:30~21:00 Restaurant 종로빈대떡 (나성로 125-10, 조이타워 1층 (나성동))
Jongro Bindae Ddeok (Nasung-ro 125-10, Joy tower 1F (Nasung-dong))
Nov. 30 16:40~18:30 Cafe 그리너리 (장군면 월현윗길 119-39)
Grinuri (Janggun-myeon wolhyunwit-gil 119-39)
Nov. 30 19:00~20:43 Restaurant 양연화로 (나성로 125-4 세종엔에스타워2 1층 116-119호 (나성동))
Yangyeonhwaro (Nasung-ro 125-4 Sejong NS Tower 1F 116-119 (Nasung-dong))
Nov. 23 12:40~13:20
Nov. 24 12:30~13.05
Restaurant 도깨비 참치 (한누리대로 227, 세종마루 1층 (나성동))
Dokkabi Chamchi (Hannuri-daero 227, Sejong Maru 1F (Nasung-dong))
Dec. 01 10:40~11:00 Cafe 카페 이기스 국세청점 (한누리대로 234, 르네상스 1층 (나성동))
Cafe Igis Guksechung Branch (Hannuri-daero 234, Renaissance 1F (Nasung-dong))
Nov. 25 17:30~18:00
Nov. 27 10:00~21:00
Nov. 28 10:40~22:00
Nov. 29 10:00~14:50 /
Nov. 30 10:00~15:00 /
Restaurant 르비프 (시청대로 167, 세종드림상가 3층 302, 303호 (보람동))
LeBoeuf (Shichung-daero 167, Sejong-dream Commercial Building 3F 302, 303 (Boram-dong))
Nov. 26 02:00~02:50 Pub 종로맥가 세종시청점 (호려울로 51, 골드타워 1층 104, 105호 (보람동))
Jongromagga Sejong shichung Branch (Horyeoul-ro 51, Gold Tower 1F 104, 105 (Boram-dong))
Nov. 29 15:10~15:50 Cafe 카페플로랑스 (시청대로 219, 시드니하트 121, 122호 (보람동))
Cafe Florence (Shichung-daero 219, Sydneyheart 121, 122 (Boram-dong))
Nov. 25 12:30~13:20 Restaurant 항아리보쌈 나성점(나성북로21 1층 (나성동))
Hangari Bossam Nasung Branch (Nasung buk ro 21 1F (Nasung-dong))
Nov. 25 14:00~15:00 Cafe 울투라 커피 컴퍼니 세종점(가름로 232 B동 (어진동))
Ultura Coffee Company Sejong Branch (Gareum-ro 232 B동 (Eojin-dong))
Nov. 21 19:45~20:15 Restaurant 서리서리 멸치국수 새롬점 (새롬중앙로 55, 1층 (새롬동))
Seori Seori myeolchiguksu saerom branch(Saerom jungang-ro 55, 1st floor)

Again, if your routes are overlapping with them, PLEASE REPORT US with using this link ( http://bit.ly/2xhjMBx)

- Academic Affairs Division: (academics@kdischool.ac.kr / 044-550-1020)