DUKE Admissions
- CategoryGMP Notice
- NameKIM, Hyun Joo
- Date2004-05-22 00:00
- Hit1,026
GMP 학생여러분께
Duke로부터 아래와 같은 연락을 받았습니다. 1) 최근까지 2명으로 한정하였던 입학허가 인원을 다소 확대하기로 하였고 2) Duke에서 조기 입학심사를 실시하기로 하였습니다.
현재까지 총 7명의 학생이 Duke에 지원할 것을 신청하고 계십니다. 이분들은 다음의 일정을 지키어 지원서제출준비를 해주시기 바랍니다. 일차 서류제출하신 분들에 한하여 대학원 내부심사를 거쳐 Duke에 지원자를 추천할 예정입니다.
- 지원서 작성마감: 2004년 6월 11일
- 지원서 제출처: 교학실(이재순)+On-line
- 지원서 최종 제출방법: Duke On-line Application을 통해 제출(아래 웹사이트 참조) Online작성 후 Submit하기 전에 반드시 교학실과 점검하고 원본을 출력해 두시기 바랍니다.)
- Duke의 결과: 7월말까지
Duke의 제출서류 항목을 잘 살펴보시고 작성하시기 바라며 궁금하신 사항은 언제든지 (5월 31일 이후..) 문의해 주시기 바랍니다. 출장기간 중 Duke의 담당자를 만날 계획이므로 이후 추가적인 정보가 있으면 즉시 안내해 드리도록 하겠습니다.
이재순 드림
PS: 아래이 내용은 Duke담당자와 나눈 이메일 내용입니다. 참고하시기 바랍니다.
Yes, they should all submit online applications and follow the directions
for the PIDP admissions process found on our website.
See you next week!
--On Friday, May 21, 2004 10:49 AM +0900 Warren Park
> Stephanie,
> Thanks, that''s good news.
> One more question: Do you require all applicants to submit their
> applications online?
> See you at NAFSA!
> Warren
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 2:44 AM
> To: Warren Park
> Subject: RE: Welcome Aboard!
> Warren:
> I checked with my colleagues and it is no problem to review them early.
> We will begin dealing with new students and orientation in July so if we
> can have all completed applications by the end of June in order to
> review them and have a response by the end of July that would be
> wonderful.
> See you at the NAFSA conference!
> Stephanie
> --On Tuesday, May 18, 2004 1:38 PM +0900 Warren Park
> wrote:
>> Stephanie,
>> That is good news! Glad to hear that our students there have made a good
>> impression.
>> We have at least six potential applicants. We understand that they would
>> have to pass your usual admissions process, so we''re wondering if it
>> would be possible for them to apply by around the end of June and receive
>> a decision at least by mid-August. Or, is there some way of pre-screening
>> them? I''m asking for early decision so that students who aren''t accepted
>> would have time to apply to their second-choice schools.
>> I will be at NAFSA, as will Jae-Soon Lee.
>> Thanks,
>> Warren
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: []
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 11:42 AM
>> To: Warren Park
>> Subject: RE: Welcome Aboard!
>> HI Warren:
>> Yes, it is possible for us to admit more than 2 KDI Fellows. Chang Ho
>> and Sang Hui are doing very well academically and have fit in very
>> nicely into our community. We have found them to be well prepared and
>> are very happy with this model. We would be pleased to have more. Of
>> course, all of them would have to be reviewed and admitted through the
>> usually admissions protocol. How many interested students are there?
>> Will you be attending the NAFSA conference next week?
>> Best,
>> Stephanie
Duke로부터 아래와 같은 연락을 받았습니다. 1) 최근까지 2명으로 한정하였던 입학허가 인원을 다소 확대하기로 하였고 2) Duke에서 조기 입학심사를 실시하기로 하였습니다.
현재까지 총 7명의 학생이 Duke에 지원할 것을 신청하고 계십니다. 이분들은 다음의 일정을 지키어 지원서제출준비를 해주시기 바랍니다. 일차 서류제출하신 분들에 한하여 대학원 내부심사를 거쳐 Duke에 지원자를 추천할 예정입니다.
- 지원서 작성마감: 2004년 6월 11일
- 지원서 제출처: 교학실(이재순)+On-line
- 지원서 최종 제출방법: Duke On-line Application을 통해 제출(아래 웹사이트 참조) Online작성 후 Submit하기 전에 반드시 교학실과 점검하고 원본을 출력해 두시기 바랍니다.)
- Duke의 결과: 7월말까지
Duke의 제출서류 항목을 잘 살펴보시고 작성하시기 바라며 궁금하신 사항은 언제든지 (5월 31일 이후..) 문의해 주시기 바랍니다. 출장기간 중 Duke의 담당자를 만날 계획이므로 이후 추가적인 정보가 있으면 즉시 안내해 드리도록 하겠습니다.
이재순 드림
PS: 아래이 내용은 Duke담당자와 나눈 이메일 내용입니다. 참고하시기 바랍니다.
Yes, they should all submit online applications and follow the directions
for the PIDP admissions process found on our website.
See you next week!
--On Friday, May 21, 2004 10:49 AM +0900 Warren Park
> Stephanie,
> Thanks, that''s good news.
> One more question: Do you require all applicants to submit their
> applications online?
> See you at NAFSA!
> Warren
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 2:44 AM
> To: Warren Park
> Subject: RE: Welcome Aboard!
> Warren:
> I checked with my colleagues and it is no problem to review them early.
> We will begin dealing with new students and orientation in July so if we
> can have all completed applications by the end of June in order to
> review them and have a response by the end of July that would be
> wonderful.
> See you at the NAFSA conference!
> Stephanie
> --On Tuesday, May 18, 2004 1:38 PM +0900 Warren Park
> wrote:
>> Stephanie,
>> That is good news! Glad to hear that our students there have made a good
>> impression.
>> We have at least six potential applicants. We understand that they would
>> have to pass your usual admissions process, so we''re wondering if it
>> would be possible for them to apply by around the end of June and receive
>> a decision at least by mid-August. Or, is there some way of pre-screening
>> them? I''m asking for early decision so that students who aren''t accepted
>> would have time to apply to their second-choice schools.
>> I will be at NAFSA, as will Jae-Soon Lee.
>> Thanks,
>> Warren
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: []
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 11:42 AM
>> To: Warren Park
>> Subject: RE: Welcome Aboard!
>> HI Warren:
>> Yes, it is possible for us to admit more than 2 KDI Fellows. Chang Ho
>> and Sang Hui are doing very well academically and have fit in very
>> nicely into our community. We have found them to be well prepared and
>> are very happy with this model. We would be pleased to have more. Of
>> course, all of them would have to be reviewed and admitted through the
>> usually admissions protocol. How many interested students are there?
>> Will you be attending the NAFSA conference next week?
>> Best,
>> Stephanie