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SEDO, Bewar Abdulazeez

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For over 10 years besides of working at the  university of Dohuk in Kurdistan Region i was active in Non-governmental organizations and have got an extensive experience in terms of  and program/project management, Protection, coordination, community development, Coordination, livelihood, reporting, surveying, monitoring and evaluation. 

My academic goal is to develop my skills in terms of researching, teaching and understanding public policy issues  in more detail and find out where the potential for researching and development exists in public policy which we are not aware of.


Project Management / Community Development / Data Analyze & Reporting / MEAL / Surveying / Protection / Livelihood / Coordination

Work Experience

Youth Empowerment counsellor, 15/10/2021 - 15/1/2022

  • Assures technical coordination of TGH youth empowerment and civic engagement interventions in Iraq In Collaboration with the Protection technical advisor, and other department heads and concerned project managers, contribute to/adjust program strategy and operational plans as findings and context changes Support youth empowerment and civic engagement projects managers through mentoring and performance review. Identify need and gaps along with Projects Managers and oversee the development of national staff capacity building

  • Implements trainings and capacity building Provide training in youth empowerment and civic engagement to staff and partners, including government staff Provide the necessary guidance and technical support to program staff, with focus on support for protection program protection staff and youth empowerment programming.

  • Responsibility 3: Reinforces the coordination of partners Maintain working partnerships with the Ministry of Youth in Ninewa and in Duhok. and other concerned departments such as the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to maintain effective join programs

  • Responsibility 4: Assures regular reporting and capitalization on TGH youth empowerment and civic engagement interventions Develop TGH guidelines and SOPs in regards to TGH youth empowerment and civic engagement activities Actively promote technical learning and contribute to the development of effective tools that will enhance the quality and integration of programming throughout the team and organization

MEAL Coordinator, 1/7/2020 - 10/30/2021(Remote management work) 

    -> Tarik (Syria) , AFH , Main responsibilities
    Led the implementation of the AFH Response MEAL System from Duhok.
    Led the creation and implementation of assessment teams and assessment framework and methodologies.
    Coordinated with the relevant MEAL sector groups or coordination bodies.
    Worked with programming teams to assist with development of tools, checklists and monitoring forms, sector- specific log frames, monitoring and evaluation frameworks and plans, and selection of indicators and targets.
    • Supported the MEAL Officers in the implementation of programs evaluations, including planning itineraries, training field staff for data collection and ensuring learning from findings and recommendations is communicated to managers.

    • Supported Field officers and Programs Managers in conducting assessments as needed.

    • Provided support to partners to review their reporting mechanisms and monitoring data.

    • Supported beneficiary accountability across all programs in keeping with the Accountability Framework.

    • Conducted field monitoring visits as appropriate.

    • Supported training on data collection and beneficiary accountability and other MEAL related topics.

    • Assisted the Information and Database personnel to ensure that data is being managed ly and effectively and is being communicated across all programming and operational teams.

    Senior Officer, 2/1/2019 - 30/6/2020

    ->  MEAL senior officer +Project officer Anne Rapin, Dahuk (Iraq) , Peace Winds Japan , Main responsibilities:(in two periods of work)

    Strategic Planning and Program Development

    • Support Field Team in planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting of livelihoods activities.

    • Under direct supervision and guidance of Manager produce/updated program documentation (e.g. consolidated

      work plans, responsibility matrixes, progress reports), based on project information provided by the Officers.

    • Provided inputs for the design of business training, vocational training and business development and support grants, projects in line with assessment findings and in coordination with the Managers.

    • Oversee collection, analysis, and reporting of data information collected (including on business training and business development and support grants) in close coordination with the Data base and Compliance Officer.

    • Supported the Officers in determining resource requirements (human resources, equipment and materials, funding) for affective field project activities implementation.

    • Assisted senior management with any requests for information or data regarding program expansion or development

      Monitoring, Evaluation and Control

    • Ensured transparency in accounting, reporting and documenting Livelihood’s assistance, business training and business development and support grants activities, and ensure compliance with standards and donor policies

    • Coordinate with the Data Base/Compliance Officer to manage project information and maintain all documentation related to projects activities, ensuring that they are accessible, well organized and that they comply with standards and templates agreed

    • Reported on any problems encountered in the field such as project participant complaints, local authority interference and security threats to staff and activities

    Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Officer, 10/01/2018 - 01/09/2018

    ILLONA, Dahuk (Iraq) , women rehabilitation organization (WRO) Main responsibilities:

    • Develop M&E plans, data collection plans, and monitoring tools to track and monitor projects performance and

    • effectiveness.

    • Participate in preparing the needed reporting scheme, communication with Field Teams and other stakeholders of the projects on M&E related issues.

    • Update and compile field visits reports.

    • Update the M&E indicator tracking sheets for all programs and projects.

    • Review and follow up on the means of verification coming from the field teams.

    • Become the primary analyst for weekly data, monitoring trends and highlighting concerns.

    • In cooperation with field team identify and document lessons learned and ensure their sharing inside and outside organization.

    Livelihood Field Coordinator, 1/05/2017 - 20/11/2017
    Trisha Burry, Dahuk (Iraq), Relief International (RI), Main responsibilities:

    • Oversee and review all aspects of fieldwork on a daily basis

    • Establish timeframe for field work

    • Secure permission from local community leaders and coordinate field work with government authorities, local representatives/community members

    • Work closely with Board of Relief and Humanities Affairs (BRHA) bureau and keep them informed with all ongoing activities

    • Work and coordinate with Livelihoods program management team to manage budgeting and expenses

    • Resolve administrative issues relating to travel, accommodation, behaviors of field teams, security issues etc. through appropriate channels

    • Troubleshoot any problems with fieldwork

    • Monitoring and facilitation of compliance in programs with donor and RI commitments and requirements, including program progress and adherence to objectives, submission of timely modification and extension requests, procurement regulations and requests for waivers/derogations, etc.

    • Work with M&E staff to maintain simple database for tracking beneficiaries’ data

    • Assist with all internal and external reporting requirements

    • Any other tasks as required by the Livelihoods program management team

    • Organizing Business skills training

    • Supporting staff in conducting baseline assessment /Beneficiaries selection, Grant disbursement and preparing contracts for small grants

    • Organizing vocational trainings for HC,IDPs and Refugee

    Child Protection Officer, 01/11/2016 - 01/4/2017

    Janet Paul, Dahuk (Iraq), Save the Children Main responsibilities

    Program Planning and implementation

    • Implementing child protection activities

    • Ensure that all planned activities in YFC and CFS are planned on time according quality standards as per monthly plan with the budget lines

    • Addressing problem by coordination with CP coordinator

    • Lead the preparation of all procurement and administrative documents required for program implementation

    • Work with CPCs and support monthly meeting to map protection risks and feedback for program improvement

    • Conducting trainings where is needed

    Monitoring and reporting

    • Assist MEAL team in monitoring and evaluation of activities

    • Ensure that all program data regularly are collected in the field and ensure accuracy of data

    • Contribute to preparation of external and internal reports

    • Support CP manager in submission of strip report

    • Participation in team review of results and program progress

    Represent SC in CCM and other respective meetings

      -> PROJECT MANAGER, 1/5/2016 - 1/9/2016

      Dilovan Hasson NPA (Norwegian People’s Aid) & ASFL (Azidi Solidarity and Fraternity League) 

      Title of Project: Rehabilitation and reintegration of conflict-related sexual and gender based violence survivors, Their families and communities in Iraq

        Main Duties

          • Preparing monthly working plan and weekly schedule Making qualitative and quantitate report

          • Supervising three social workers, one psychiatrist and two lawyer Plus 21 volunteer Directing outreach activities

          • Organizing raising awareness sessions

          • Organizing Focus Group Discussion /How to design project activities organizing training for volunteers to become care- givers

          • Supporting stuff to establish Community Leaders’ Committee Organizing livelihood /vocational training for women and girls

          • By collaboration with financial manager Supervised budget expenditure Coordinated with local authorities and NGOs

          -> Project Reporter, 2/1/2016 - 03/03/2016

          Abdullah Khalid, Arbil (Iraq), Peace & Freedom Organization Project Title : Journalists for Peace in Nineveh

            Main Duties

            • Reported all performed activities

            • Collection and analyze of data from the under coverage areas.

            • Ensure that all the collected data from the field is correct.

            • Give feed back to the related person in case of receiving in correct data.

            • Submit the prepared report to main office according to the time frame.

            • Have a continual relation with the project manager in the filed level and all project staff. 

            Project Manager, 15/02/2014 - 03/09/2015

            Sherzad Pirmosa, Dahuk (Iraq), Alind Organization for democratizing of Youth Project Title : Emergency Mobilizing/ Community

            1 Development for IDPs in Shariya

            • Create project management calendar

            • Coordinate with governmental institutions, local and international NGOs to gather information

            • keeping regular contact with motivate people in IDP camp to organize activities and local campaigns

            • Supporting young people to design high impact and innovative activities

            • Schedule meetings and arrange activities.

            • Coaching and monitoring of young people during implementation of activities and local campaigns

            • Liaise with private sector donors to solicit humanitarian contributions for the IDP population

            Reporter and Trainer (Part time), 2012 - 2013 - 2014

              Masud Nzarki and Sherzad Pirmosa (Sima Organization for social Services)

                Project Title : No for violence against women- Every year sponsored by KRG in 2010-2011-2012-2013-2014-2015 as a national campaign.

                  Main activities
                  • Seminars on family law and the law against domestic violence in the Kurdistan region of Iraq Workshop on gender balance, violence against women.

                  • Theatre on consequence of violence against women and girls

                  Project Manager, 04/02/2010 - 08/02/2011

                    Sherzad Pirmosa, Alind Organization for democratizing of Youth

                      Project title : “literacy and economic empowerment of women” within 10 months in different areas of Dohuk governorate specially in marginalized area for 240 girls and women

                        Project Reporter/NGO,  07/03/2006 - 10/5/2006

                          Akram Mayi, Dahuk (Iraq) HRO (Human Rights Organization)

                          Project Title : Violence and its consequences 

                            Prepared reports for project it was supported by Relief international (RI) in this project our organization produced a short movie on violence against women the project had different activities like seminars and free debates in remote areas.

                              Computer Skills, Internet and office machines

                                Good knowledge of Microsoft Office Professional Package (MS Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, Outlook), Word Perfect, Ado Photoshop, Dropbox, Scanner, Photocopier...etc.

                                WORK EXPERIENCE

                                03/10/2011 - 03/06/2012, Duhok, Iraq


                                My main responsibility was giving lecture, I have taught international organization course for one year. Political

                                Science and Public Administration Education public.relations@dpu.edu.krd https://www.dpu.edu.krd/ Mazi Street

                                05/01/2012 - CURRENT, Dohuk, Iraq

                                ASSISTANT LECTURER,  UNIVERSITY OF DOHUK

                                My main responsibility was giving lectures as assistant lecturer, assisting and supervising student projects, during 8 years of teaching in the University of Dahuk I have taught various courses such as: Political terminology, Introduction to political science, international relations, International Politics, public administration, Research methodology, Human rights, Political communication and Development studies.

                                Political Science Education relations@uod.ac https://uod.ac/ Zakho Street, 42001, Dohuk, Iraq

                                EDUCATION AND TRAINING

                                07/2009 - 07/2011 Ganeshkhind Rd, Ganeshkhind, Pune, Maharashtra 411007, India

                                MASTER IN POLITICAL SCIENCE, Savitribai Phule Pune University

                                07/2005 - 06/2009 Zanko, Erbil

                                BACHELOR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE, Salahaddin University


                                The end of nation state system in the middle east after Arab spring, Article, War newspaper (Kurdish)

                                The failure of sanctions on Iran, Article, Translated work, Lamb of Liberty

                                http://chiraiazadi.org/index.php/archives/831 - 2013

                                Kurdistan region between parliamentary and presidential system, Article, War newspaper (Kurdish)

                                Federalism and centralism in American foreign policy toward iraq post 2003

                                The role of political parties in political development: Kurdistan Region of Iraq 1992-2015 With a special focus on the role of social movements - Under work

                                Abnormal number of orphan among IDPs and importance of foster family

                                http://www.iraqicivilsociety.org/archives/5223 - 2016

                                Female Genital Mutilation in Rural Regions of Iraqi Kurdistan: A Cross-Sectional Study - Public Health Journal- 

                                Joint Research

                                https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0033354919860512? fbclid=IwAR1mFCCUt5b067tCuOvaQ9l2nl3Y4RQtzT0M2heaf6iRBNJP-p-tQO5LxRc&journalCode=phrg - 2019

                                The Impact of Health Education on the Attitudes of Parents and Religious Leaders towards Female Genital Mutilation Research, BMJ

                                https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0033354919860512? fbclid=IwAR1mFCCUt5b067tCuOvaQ9l2nl3Y4RQtzT0M2heaf6iRBNJP-p-tQO5LxRc&journalCode=phrg - 2019

                                HONOURS AND AWARDS


                                International visitor’s leadership program in USA about peace building and community resilience - US. Department of state

                                Peace Education in Japan - Peace cell Network


                                Haval Sulaiman / Country Operation Manager

                                Action For Humanity- Syria


                                Zardash Hussain / Program Assistant



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